Linear Test Lung (LTL) is a passive test lung that produces a linear compliance curve and realistic inflection points throughout a range of settings. It performs more like a real patient than other bag-style lungs, maintaining a smooth response to progressive inflation, without any “hiccups” due to bulging-out of the bag.
Intended Use
Ventilator testing and in-service training
Linear Test Lung (LTL) is a passive test lung that produces a linear compliance curve and realistic inflection points throughout a range of settings. It performs more like a real patient than other bag-style lungs, maintaining a smooth response to progressive inflation, without any “hiccups” due to bulging-out of the bag.
Intended Use
Ventilator testing and in-service training
Linear Test Lung (LTL) is a passive test lung that produces a linear compliance curve and realistic inflection points throughout a range of settings. It performs more like a real patient than other bag-style lungs, maintaining a smooth response to progressive inflation, without any “hiccups” due to bulging-out of the bag.
Intended Use
Ventilator testing and in-service training
Linear Test Lung (LTL) is a passive test lung that produces a linear compliance curve and realistic inflection points throughout a range of settings. It performs more like a real patient than other bag-style lungs, maintaining a smooth response to progressive inflation, without any “hiccups” due to bulging-out of the bag.
Intended Use
Ventilator testing and in-service training
Linear Test Lung (LTL) is a passive test lung that produces a linear compliance curve and realistic inflection points throughout a range of settings. It performs more like a real patient than other bag-style lungs, maintaining a smooth response to progressive inflation, without any “hiccups” due to bulging-out of the bag.
Intended Use
Ventilator testing and in-service training
Linear Test Lung (LTL) is a passive test lung that produces a linear compliance curve and realistic inflection points throughout a range of settings. It performs more like a real patient than other bag-style lungs, maintaining a smooth response to progressive inflation, without any “hiccups” due to bulging-out of the bag.
Intended Use
Ventilator testing and in-service training